Tina M. Spring
Sit Happens Dog Training and Behavior, LLC
We Speak Dog!
We have a 9-year-old cat, named KWNN who thinks he’s a puma. He can’t wait for you to offer cat products. We have a 9-year-old male Jack Russell Terrier named Mister (he’s brand new to the family). We have a 6-year-old Potcake (from Turks & Caicos) named Marco, a 5-year-old Potcake named Jack, and a 6-year-old deaf Pug named Al. You can call him Al, but he can’t hear you.
My parents have been breeding, training, and showing since 1979. My pets, in particular my dogs, were a tremendous comfort. They were a soft, safe place to land when there weren’t many of those. I suppose to a certain extent my work is a giant thank you to them.
Unbelievable. The change in the dogs was immediate, from the first meal. They were instantly more relaxed and happier. The first darn thing these dogs do on this food is snore. It’s a feast, time to take a face nap!
The new critter is on your bars only at this time. He is being hand-fed, literally, every single morsel of food because we are using it for training and bonding. The others get it mixed 50/50 with their regular kibble. Sometimes they get worked or get their meals in enrichment activities. Other times they get it in their bowls.
My expectations are quality and transparency. I feel like I have been “had” by the pet food industry as a whole. I am taking a canine nutrition class now in my free time. I want a partner in my dog’s quality of life. If I am going to give my hard-earned money for a feed, I want it to be the best it can be. I want a company that is a good steward to me, the customer, and my dogs, as I am to my customers. Values and integrity matter.